Blue Chalk Doc to Air on PBS World Channel
“American Beat: Cops and Refugees Join Forces in Boise,” a 26-minute Blue Chalk Media documentary created with the help of Carnegie Corporation of New York, will air on PBS World Channel!
Co-created by Gail Ablow and Blue Chalk Media, the film weaves together two stories: the determination of former Iraqi translator for the U.S. military to become a Boise police officer, and the efforts of the Boise Police Department and the City of Boise to support refugees and integrate them into the local community.
The film has previously aired on Idaho Public Television and also had a film screening in Boise, Idaho, which was attended by a number of Blue Chalk staff.
World Channel is home to public television’s signature nonfiction documentary, science and news programming complemented by original content from emerging producers.
The film’s first air date will be Monday, July 16, 2018, with more air dates throughout the last two weeks of July. Visit the World Channel website for more information.